DANISH - vores generelle konkurrencebetingelser (updated 21-11-2023):
Click her for competion terms in English
1.1 Disse betingelser gælder for deltagelse i konkurrencer, medmindre andet er angivet i den konkrete konkurrence, som er en integreret del af disse betingelser.
1.2 Ved deltagelse i konkurrencen accepterer deltageren disse betingelser.
1.3 Konkurrencen er arrangeret af Clutch Nutrition ApS (CVR nr. 40559833, Inge Lehmann Gade 10, 5. sal, 8000 Aarhus C).
1.4 Deltagelse er ikke betinget af køb og er gratis, medmindre andet er angivet. Præmien kan ikke ombyttes til kontanter eller andre ydelser.
1.5 Konkurrencen er markedsføringsmæssigt orienteret.
2.1 Konkurrencen er åben for personer over 18 år, der er bosat i Danmark, medmindre andet er angivet i den konkrete konkurrence. Clutch Nutrition forbeholder sig ret til at kontrollere alderen på vinderen og diskvalificere deltagere, der er under 18 år.
2.2 Ansatte i Clutch Nutrition, deres husstand og enhver person, der er direkte eller indirekte involveret i konkurrencens organisering, må ikke deltage i konkurrencen.
2.3 Deltagere, der ikke overholder betingelserne for deltagelse, vil automatisk miste retten til en præmie.
2.4 For at deltage i konkurrencen skal deltageren følge instruktionerne i den konkrete konkurrenceannonce.
2.5 Clutch Nutrition forbeholder sig ret til at udelukke deltagere, der har tilmeldt sig mere end én gang.
3.1 Der udloddes det angivne antal præmier til den anførte værdi i den konkrete konkurrenceannonce.
3.2 En præmie kan ikke ombyttes til kontanter eller andre ydelser og vil ikke blive udleveret, hvis vinderen vil overtræde lovgivningen ved at modtage præmien.
3.3 En præmie udleveres uden reklamationsret i henhold til købeloven.
3.4 Clutch Nutrition forbeholder sig ret til at ændre præmien til en præmie af samme værdi og karakter.
4.1 Vinderen trækkes på det angivne tidspunkt i henhold til den konkrete konkurrenceannonce.
4.2 Vinderen kontaktes efter trækningen via den angivne kontaktmetode i konkurrenceannoncen.
4.3 Hvis vinderen ikke svarer inden for den angivne tidsfrist, forbeholder Clutch Nutrition sig ret til at trække en ny vinder.
5.1 Clutch Nutrition kan kontakte vinderen vedrørende udlevering af præmien.
5.2 Når du afhenter din præmie, kan Clutch Nutrition kræve, at du viser en gyldig billedlegitimation som pas eller kørekort.
5.3 Clutch Nutrition har ret til at offentliggøre navn, firmanavn og by på vinderen, og de vil i forbindelse med offentliggørelse tage et billede af vinderen med præmien og fremvise det på deres hjemmeside(r), clutchnutrition.com, clutch.dk og andre medier, som de anvender.
5.4 Clutch forbeholder sig retten til at ændre eller tilbagekalde konkurrencen på ethvert tidspunkt, hvis der opstår omstændigheder, der kræver det, og deltageren kan ikke rejse nogen form for krav mod Clutch Nutrition.
5.6 Præstationer i forbindelse med deltagelse i konkurrencen tilhører Clutch Nutrition og må ikke overgives til tredjepart uden udtrykkeligt skriftligt samtykke fra Clutch Nutrition. Konkurrencens detaljer må ikke videregives eller offentliggøres uden Clutch Nutritions samtykke.
5.7 Konkurrencen er underlagt dansk lovgivning, og enhver tvist, der måtte opstå i forbindelse med konkurrencebetingelserne eller konkurrencen, skal indbringes for Danmarks Domstole eller et relevant og kompetent klagenævn.
5.8 Clutch Nutrition er ikke ansvarlig for forkert udleverede præmier som følge af snyd, og konkurrencen er ikke arrangeret i samarbejde med andre, medmindre andet er angivet.
English - General Competition Terms and Conditions:
General Competition Terms and Conditions
1.1 These terms and conditions apply to participation in competitions, unless otherwise specified in the specific competition, which is an integral part of these terms and conditions.
1.2 By participating in the competition, the participant accepts these terms and conditions.
1.3 The competition is organized by Clutch Nutrition (CVR no. 40559833, Agro Food Park 13, 8200 Aarhus N).
1.4 Participation is not conditional on purchase and is free unless otherwise stated. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or other services.
1.5 The competition is marketing-oriented.
2.1 The competition is open to persons over 18 years of age who are residents of Denmark, unless otherwise specified in the specific competition. Clutch Nutrition reserves the right to verify the age of the winner and disqualify participants who are under 18 years of age.
2.2 Employees of Clutch Nutrition, their household, and anyone directly or indirectly involved in the organization of the competition may not participate in the competition.
2.3 Participants who do not comply with the conditions of participation will automatically lose the right to a prize.
2.4 To participate in the competition, the participant must follow the instructions in the specific competition announcement.
2.5 Clutch Nutrition reserves the right to exclude participants who have registered more than once.
3.1 The specified number of prizes will be awarded at the stated value in the specific competition announcement.
3.2 A prize cannot be exchanged for cash or other services and will not be awarded if the winner would violate the law by receiving the prize.
3.3 A prize is awarded without a warranty in accordance with the Danish Sale of Goods Act.
3.4 Clutch Nutrition reserves the right to change the prize to a prize of the same value and character.
Winner Selection
4.1 The winner will be drawn at the specified time in accordance with the specific competition announcement.
4.2 The winner will be contacted after the draw via the contact method specified in the competition announcement.
4.3 If the winner does not respond within the specified time limit, Clutch Nutrition reserves the right to draw a new winner.
Contact Information
5.1 Clutch Nutrition may contact the winner regarding the award of the prize.
5.2 When collecting the prize, Clutch Nutrition may require you to show a valid photo identification such as a passport or driver's license.
5.3 Clutch Nutrition has the right to publish the name, company name and city of the winner, and in connection with publication they will take a picture of the winner with the prize and display it on their website(s), clutchnutrition.com, clutch.dk and other medias, which they use.
5.4 Clutch reserves the right to modify or revoke the competition at any time if circumstances require it, and the participant cannot make any claims against Clutch Nutrition.
5.6 Performances in connection with participation in the competition belong to Clutch Nutrition and may not be transferred to third parties without express written consent from Clutch Nutrition. The competition details may not be disclosed or published without Clutch Nutrition's consent.
5.7 The competition is subject to Danish law, and any disputes arising in connection with the competition terms and conditions or the competition shall be brought before Danish courts or a relevant and competent complaints board.
5.8 Clutch Nutrition is not responsible for incorrectly awarded prizes due to fraud, and the competition is not organized in cooperation with others unless otherwise stated.
- Agro Food Park 13, DK-8200
- VAT no. DK40559833
Copyright © 2023 Clutch Nutrition ApS. All rights reserved.